Configuration Settings

Setting up JACoB to align with your project’s conventions is crucial for maximizing efficiency and ensuring the code generated by JACoB meets your standards. JACoB’s configuration tool allows you to customize how the bot writes code, selects languages, frameworks, and more, so it feels like an extension of your team. Whether it’s adapting to your code patterns or following your directory structure, JACoB is designed to fit seamlessly into your workflow.

To begin customizing JACoB for your project, run the setup command in your project directory. This interactive tool will guide you through a series of questions to tailor JACoB’s behavior to your unique coding style:

npx jacob-setup create

This command will launch a wizard that asks you about your project’s specifics, such as coding language, styling methods, and preferred libraries. The goal is to have JACoB generate code that is not only functional but also indistinguishable from what you and your team would write by hand.

Once you have run this command and answered the questions, JACoB will create a jacob.config file in your repo’s root directory. This file acts as JACoB’s guide when generating code and can be edited at any time as your project evolves.

Here are the current configuration options (more are coming soon!):

Language Preference

Specify whether your project uses TypeScript or JavaScript. This setting ensures JACoB generates code in the language that your team is using.

Styling Method/Framework

Choose between CSS and Tailwind for styling your project. JACoB will follow this preference to maintain consistency in your design implementation.

Icon Set

Enter your preferred icon set, such as Font Awesome, to ensure icons in the generated code match the rest of your application’s design.

Example Code Files

Providing paths to example code files allows JACoB to understand and replicate your coding patterns, ensuring consistency across your codebase.

Component Directory

Set the root folder path for components. JACoB will use this directory to place new components, following your project’s structure.

Pages Directory

Define the root folder path for pages to tell JACoB where to add new page files within your project.

Type Definitions Directory

For TypeScript projects, set the directory for type definitions to maintain type safety and consistency in your TypeScript usage.

Static Assets Directory

Direct JACoB to the root folder path for static assets like images, ensuring they are stored and referenced correctly in your project.

State Management Tool

Select the state management tool your project utilizes, such as Redux or Context API, to align JACoB’s state handling with your architecture.

Testing Configuration

Decide if JACoB should generate test files and specify the testing framework, enabling JACoB to integrate into your test-driven development process.

Storybook Integration

Opt in for Storybook story generation to complement your component development with interactive documentation.

Environment Variables

Set up necessary environment variables for the app to build, crucial for testing and ensuring your CI/CD process runs smoothly.