Embark on your JACoB journey with this Quickstart guide, designed to help you set up and start using JACoB with minimal setup. We provide you with a sample GitHub repository and a Figma tutorial file to illustrate JACoB’s capabilities.

Setting up Your Repository

Start by setting up your project using our GitHub template, which is pre-configured for JACoB integration. This template is a NextJS project with Tailwind CSS and JACoB pre-configured.

GitHub Template

Clone our GitHub template to begin with a pre-configured JACoB project setup.

If you’re not familiar with creating a new repository from a template, follow GitHub’s guide which provides step-by-step instructions. GitHub’s guide on creating a repository from a template

Installing the JACoB AI Bot

Next, you need to install the JACoB AI Bot on your GitHub account. This bot will work with your repository to automate coding tasks, review code, and manage pull requests.

  1. Go to JACoB AI Bot GitHub App.
  2. Install the application and grant it permission to access the new template repository you just created. Feel free to add it to other repositories as well.

GitHub App

Click here to install the GitHub App

Exploring the Figma File

Finally, open the Figma template to see examples of components that JACoB can generate for you. The Figma template includes four components, starting with a simple example and progressing to more to complex dynamic components. This tutorial will take about 15-30 minutes to complete.

Figma Template

Access the JACoB Figma tutorial template for sample designs to try with JACoB.

Here’s an example of one of the four tutorials in the Figma template:

Figma Preview

Video Walkthrough

Check out this video walkthrough showing how to use this template to generate code from the tutorial Figma file. Feel free to follow along with the video as you try it out yourself.

By following this Quickstart guide, you’ll quickly learn how JACoB can automate your coding tasks, from generating code from Figma designs to creating pull requests for review.

Next Steps

Once you’ve tried JACoB with the sample Figma file, you can start using JACoB with your own designs and projects. For more information on how to set up JACoB on your existing project, check out the Installation Guide.